Through Shared Black Eyes Interview w/ a gathering together

Long time no chat beautiful people!

The good folks over at ‘a gathering together’ interviewed me about my work. Please take a look!

You can find the interview here.

about agt:

A Gathering Together is a journal that resists the easy and often unsophisticated attempt to say profound things in the moment, without deep contemplation, or in the heat of discursive battle. Building upon John Birks “Dizzy” Gillespie’s words, we seek to build a place that cultivates and discusses improvised acts of taking ourselves from here to there. We publish works that simultaneously transcend and address the moment they speak from, works that will last beyond the creator’s last breath and still be relevant, and/or works that put the writer and reader in conversation with the intellectual thought of Ancestors of all kinds. In the end, we offer a gathering of works that endure and elevate us to a space of inquiry and move us toward resolution of not only the challenges that mark our lives but also those that can no longer be our realities.